Friday, December 26, 2008

Become Active Locally, Nationally and Globally

It's really surprising to me how much cycling has grown since I was a kid on my single speed Schwinn.

One thing I have always found is that cyclers are a friendly folk and love to talk shop and show off their cycles. So why not take that interest and help spread the word on the benefits of cycling everywhere we are whether we are around home, traveling nationally or globally.

Some of the interesting local cycling hotspots my city of Akron, Ohio recently have been focused on are:

In 2008, the Ohio & Erie Towpath returned to downtown Akron. Our city, whose main streets were built on two canals, now has a direct route for bikers and hikers to the outskirts of Cleveland. Users of the 101-mile Towpath Trail topped two million last year, making it one of the most-visited national park sites in the U.S.

Nationally, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy has launched a campaign to get signatures on a petition encouraging President-Elect Obama and Congress to spend transportation dollars on important bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Globally we don't ride nearly as many bikes as the rest of the world for transportation. Many of our cycles may be more technologically advanced but are far fewer in numbers.

So get out there and ride, show off your cycle and talk to people about your passion for cycling and green living! Think globally and act locally!

Monday, December 8, 2008

3-Wheels are Better Than 2

I’ve always enjoyed the feel and comfort of a well built recumbent and in particular I like the stable low feeling of a 3-Wheeled trike.

Not only are they good for your back, but they align your neck as well. You can see around in all directions. You have more hip and low back power to “push” into your pedals.

Greenspeed from downunder has a nice folding model called the GT3 Series II folding trike. There is a great click through on the simple folding process on their website!